Transport data

Flights times/prices from Matiga Airport (Ar)

Afriqiyah Airways flights times/prices from Labraq Airport (Ar)

Afriqiyah international flights/passengers, by airport, 2013

Afriqiyah domestic flights/passengers, by airport, 2013

A breakdown of Libyan Airlines domestic flight and passenger numbers, by airport, 2013

A breakdown of Libyan Airlines international flight and passenger numbers, by airport, for 2013

Goods imported by port, Q1 2013

Vehicles imported by port, Q1 2013

Libyan Airlines traffic, Q1 2013

Incoming vessels at Libyan ports, by month, during 2012

Length of roads under maintenance and construction

Inbound/outbound goods at SPC-managed ports, July-August 2012

Ships arriving at SPC-managed ports, July-August 2012

International and domestic flights, January-May 2012

Air traffic at Misrata airport, January-May 2012

Domestic flights, by airline, to/from Tripoli International Airport for January-February 2012

Ships arriving at SPC-managed ports, April-May 2012

Figures showing the volume of goods imported at the eight ports managed by the Libyan Ports Company (LPC) in January, February and March 2013.

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