Transport data
Afriqiyah Airways flights times/prices from Labraq Airport (Ar)
Afriqiyah international flights/passengers, by airport, 2013
Afriqiyah domestic flights/passengers, by airport, 2013
A breakdown of Libyan Airlines domestic flight and passenger numbers, by airport, 2013
A breakdown of Libyan Airlines international flight and passenger numbers, by airport, for 2013
Incoming vessels at Libyan ports, by month, during 2012
Length of roads under maintenance and construction
Inbound/outbound goods at SPC-managed ports, July-August 2012
Ships arriving at SPC-managed ports, July-August 2012
International and domestic flights, January-May 2012
Domestic flights, by airline, to/from Tripoli International Airport for January-February 2012
Ships arriving at SPC-managed ports, April-May 2012
Figures showing the volume of goods imported at the eight ports managed by the Libyan Ports Company (LPC) in January, February and March 2013.