Commercial banks ranked by Q3 assets

Figures listing Libya's 15 commercial banks by asset size as of end-September 2012, with the four largest lenders comprising some 86% of total combined assets.


Gumhouria Bank continues to dominate Libya's banking landscape, with its LD29.6bn ($23.5bn) in assets accounting for some 39% of the total LD76.2bn ($60.5bn) in assets held by commercial banks. This was slightly lower than the 41.4% that Gumhouria controlled at the end of 2011.

Name Assets (LDm) % of total
Gumhouria Bank       29,568 38.8
National Commercial Bank       15,825 20.8
Wahda Bank       10,286 13.5
Sahara Bank         9,838 12.9
Bank of Commerce and Development         3,686 4.8
North Africa Bank        2,554 3.4
Aman Bank        1,199 1.6
Waha Bank        1,033 1.4
First Gulf Libyan Bank        614.3 0.8
Alejmaa Alarabi Bank        591.9 0.8
United Bank        352.3 0.5
Wafa Bank        195.9 0.3
Assaray Bank        153.4 0.2
Arab Commercial Bank        149.5 0.2
Mediterranean Bank        146.3 0.2
TOTAL       76,192 100

Source: Central Bank of Libya

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